Joshua Kerievsky posted this update from SD West on the IXP mailing list:

At an SD West agile panel this week, I was jolted by legendary guru Jerry Weinberg.  He said he’d recently looked over the past 500 issues of a certain computer journal in order to count how many issues had been devoted to “the people side” of our business.  The answer?   3!  

Meanwhile, despite advances in programming languages, operating systems, networking and software processes, people involved in software development continue to find that “people issues” are the hardest to deal with and the greatest hurdle to achieving lasting excellence in our field.

Sounds to me like it’s high time to focus on the people side of our
business — something Jerry’s been doing for a long time now…


That’s why Diana Larsen, Ken Schwaber and I are launching a new workshop,The Secrets of Agile Teamwork: Beyond Technical Skills.

We’re focusing on building capacity in collaboration skills — the skills people need to build solid self-organizing teams and work effectively with others in any sort of team.

We’ll be running a public workshop in Portland, OR April 5-7, and we’ve already had inquiries about in-house workshops.

It’s an idea whose time has come.

Diana and I have been working on the design and materials this week. We’ve got a great group coming and we’re really excited about the workshop.

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