by Esther Derby | Nov 4, 2011 | Collaboration & Teams, Leadership & Management
Many of the companies I work with want the benefit of the team effect in software development. The managers in these companies recognize the enormous benefits teams provide to the company–creativity, engagement, learning. They want to support team-based work....
by Esther Derby | Oct 18, 2011 | Leadership & Management, Systems and Complexity
In response to my recent post on Agile Metrics, a reader asked, “Why did you leave out Velocity?” Even though it’s not perfect, velocity is the best way we have to understand the capacity of teams. It’s the best way we have to bring some reality to...
by Esther Derby | Oct 11, 2011 | Leadership & Management, Organizational Change
“How can we tell how far along we are with our agile adoption?” I heard this question again the other day. Usually, the person who asks the question starts to answer it: Number of teams using agile Number of people trained in agile Number of projects using...
by Esther Derby | Sep 29, 2011 | Coaching, Leadership & Management
A group of managers in organizations adopting agile methods pondered who should fill new agile roles. Why can’t the managers become ScrumMasters, they asked. In my experience, that’s a risky road. However, one manager was adamant. After all, the managers...
by Esther Derby | Aug 12, 2011 | Collaboration & Teams, Leadership & Management, Systems and Complexity
How can managers support teams to truly support team responsibility? In the early days of Agile, some pundits (and developers) declared, “We don’t need no stinking managers.” They asserted that if teams were self-managed, management work was waste....