by Esther Derby | Jun 24, 2010 | Leadership & Management
As test and development managers, we pay attention to developing technical personnel, but what about managers? Do we do enough to help manager and team leads develop and improve their leadership skills–especially when we are those managers? Some companies, GE...
by Esther Derby | Jun 24, 2010 | Leadership & Management, Systems and Complexity
We’ve long lived with the assumption that the people at the top of the organizations are the ones who understand the business. They understand the market, the product, the customers. They hold the financial information about how the company makes money and the... by Esther Derby | Jun 22, 2010 | Organizational Change, Systems and Complexity
(c) 2010 Esther Derby I recently spoke to a senior manager who wanted to know how “agile” his company was compared to other companies. When I asked what he’d gain from that information, he responded that then he’d know what practices the...
by Esther Derby | May 17, 2010 | Leadership & Management, Organizational Change
You’d think that since I’m president of a one-person company, I could change anything in my office in a snap. But a recent incident reminded me that top-down change is always a process. My dog, Miss Pudge, comes to the office with me every day. Until recently, she... by Esther Derby | May 17, 2010 | Leadership & Management
I received an email advertising a workshop for managers, titled “Overcoming a Culture of Entitlement,” last week. Here’s the hook: “When employees feel “entitled,” they resist change, they drag their feet, they’re not accountable, and leaders...