by Esther Derby | Apr 9, 2010 | Leadership & Management
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act II, Scene 2 The other day I was skimming the Harvard Management Update when a section in bold red print caught my eye: “Why don’t more organizations... by Esther Derby | Mar 23, 2010 | Leadership & Management
I’m uncomfortable with the manager vs. leader dichotomy that’s bandied about lately. Most of the time, the conversation is reduced to a sound bite: “Managers do things right, leaders to the right thing” (from a Warren Bennis quote). Cute, but... by Esther Derby | Mar 14, 2010 | Collaboration & Teams, Leadership & Management
(c) 2003-2010 Esther Derby This column originally appeared on Twice a week, I go to the gym and weight train with Brooke Darst, a Certified Personal Trainer. As I perform my exercises, Brooke provides a constant stream of feedback: Minor corrections,... by Esther Derby | Oct 26, 2009 | Leadership & Management, Systems and Complexity
At the start of my series on Performance without Appraisal, I listed the goals that organizations hope to achieve with annual performance appraisals and so-called performance management systems: improve individual performance improve organizational results determine... by Esther Derby | Jun 11, 2009 | Collaboration & Teams, Leadership & Management
Part of my definition of a successful team is that the members of the team increase their knowledge and capacity as a result of their work on the team. That means that giving the team the opportunity to learn is part of the job. One of challenges I see when managers...