by Esther Derby | Mar 7, 2009 | Leadership & Management, Organizational Change, Systems and Complexity
One of the big problems I see in organizations is that managers who want to improve productivity pull the wrong levers. For example, one company I know of decided to improve performance by ranking everyone in the company from 1…n, and firing the bottom 10%. Not... by Esther Derby | Feb 11, 2009 | Leadership & Management, Systems and Complexity
What problem are organizations trying to solve with incentive pay? Is an incentive plan the simplest, most effective way to address the problem? Most managers believe that incentive pay plans encourage the desired behavior, drive performance improvement, and reward... by Esther Derby | Jan 14, 2009 | Leadership & Management
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know how I feel about compensation systems that claim to motivate better performance with differential pay. For example, A Compensation Story in 2006, It’s What We Know That Ain’t So and Pay for... by Esther Derby | Jan 13, 2009 | Coaching, Leadership & Management
Mike Cottmeyer writes about Feelings, Thoughts, and Actions. When people have a strong response, Mike describes thoughts as the point of leverage to change behavior. How we think can be influenced more directly… it is somehow less personal. We can learn about... by Esther Derby | Jan 10, 2009 | Collaboration & Teams, Leadership & Management
Johanna’s post, projects don’t need specialists (and the 19 the comments that went with it), got me thinking.People tend to coalesce around shared interests–both in terms of what they find interesting, and what concerns them. Take the category of...