by Esther Derby | Mar 10, 2007 | Leadership & Management
Every so often, I share my views on pay-for-performance and annual performance appraisals on this blog. My experience is that pay-for-performance and annual performance appraisals–contrary to popular belief–actually hurt performance and results, rather... by Esther Derby | Mar 2, 2007 | Leadership & Management
I came across a spate of articles lately proposing different reasons why it’s rare to find a good manager. The reasons ranged from rising to their level of incompetence, becoming corrupted by power, promotion by favoritism, and not being a “born leader.” I suspect the... by Esther Derby | Jan 4, 2007 | Leadership & Management
Ken Flowers suggests answering these three questions to clarifiy your leadership philosophy (which he came across on George Ambler’s blog):What you believe about people …What you believe about life …What you believe makes groups and organizations... by Esther Derby | Dec 29, 2006 | Leadership & Management, Musings
Bob Sutton points to more research about prima donnas, prima dons, and jerks-at-work:Boris [Groysberg ] wrote me a pair of detailed notes about a series of case studies that he has done that track Lehman Brothers’ research department over a 20 year period. Boris... by Esther Derby | Sep 29, 2006 | The Rest
A friend and I were talking about getting fired the other day. In my experience, most people who are fired are not unskilled or incompetent. They may be in the wrong job, which means there’s a poor fit between the skills, domain knowledge, preferences, and...