by Esther Derby | Sep 18, 2006 | The Rest
I’ve pointed out in a few posts that the environment (system, processes, structures, culture) and management are a huge factor in performance in organizaitons. And they are. But sometimes, it is an individual problem.Like this woman who works in a health care... by Esther Derby | Jun 19, 2006 | The Rest
I found this snippet by Dick Dauphinais of the Herman Group via the Dear Workforce email newsletter: Compensation experts for years have preached that discussions on performance with employees should not be linked to pay discussions, although most companies ignore... by Esther Derby | Apr 11, 2006 | The Rest
I hear a lot of managers worry about how to motivate people. I don’t think you can motivate people… people create their own motivation. But you can de-motivate people and unfortunately, too many managers do. Here are some of the de-motivators I see:... by Esther Derby | Feb 26, 2006 | The Rest
In BCD, Johanna and I wrote a section “Setup for Successful Delegation.” We wanted to help managers think through the boundaries of a task they’re delegating and be clear—with themselves and the other person—about requirements, unacceptable solutions, progress... by Esther Derby | May 29, 2005 | The Rest
When companies adopt Agile methods, management roles shift. Team manages their own work and managers focus on system problems. The manager’s stance toward the team moves to facilitative leadership and away from hierarchical leadership. For managers who have been...