by Esther Derby | Mar 23, 2010 | Leadership & Management
I’m uncomfortable with the manager vs. leader dichotomy that’s bandied about lately. Most of the time, the conversation is reduced to a sound bite: “Managers do things right, leaders to the right thing” (from a Warren Bennis quote). Cute, but...
by Esther Derby | Jul 8, 2003 | The Rest
I often work with groups who know where they want to go, have some good ideas on how to get there, but they are blocked. When I ask why they can’t achieve the results they envision, they tell me things like: –We lack resources.–We lack...
by Esther Derby | Mar 12, 2003 | The Rest
Yesterday I was re-reading The Myth of Fungible Resources in Slack by Tom DeMarco. Here’s the definition of fungible that appears in the book (p.13): ….(especially of goods) being of such nature or kind as to be freely exchangeable or...