The Team Effect

A while back, I posted a little mind map about business costs of a struggling team.  But what about the benefits of the team effect?  What does a business gain when teams thrive?

the benefits of the team effect

The Benefits of the Team Effect

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  1. Helena Jeret-Mäe

    Yes! That’s totally the team I have been and am building. Well, we’re just one team among others but.

    I wish I could print out a huge one 😀

  2. Rick

    Nice! If a picture is worth a thousand words then that graph is worth a million.

    How ’bout a million word description for us on your next blog post? 🙂

  3. Esther Derby

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Paul. Would love to hear more about how the team works with the mind map. Let me know if there are more factors to add.


  4. Aditya Rustgi

    This is phenomenal. This deserves a wall on the room of every engineering organization.



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