Organizational Change

Your job involves change, even if you don’t have “change management” in your job description. My thoughts, methods, and insights from 40 years of catalyzing, observing, and being part of organizational change.

Blog Posts


The Law of Jam- a Podcast for people who care about systems thinking, agile, leadership, and management. Hosted by Esther Derby & Viktor Cessan.
Adding and removing constraints impacts patterns and performance. Too many constraints limit people from taking...
When leaders decided to make a change, they hope it will improve performance. But, while...
Why don’t ppl want to change? I hear this question a lot. The assumption behind...
Even when you have a big idea, you get there with little steps. This isn’t...
In the course of observing, leading, and participating in many organizational changes, I’m discovering how...
We’re trained to think big, to go for that big hairy audacious goals, to go...


Discussion panel: Alistair Cockburn, Esther Derby, Tom Gilb, Donald Reinertsen, Dave Snowden moderated by Andy...

AgileByExample 2017 Conference

Often people try to change other people by imposing processes, pushing, prodding, even punishing them....
How can we make change–whether it’s adopting Scrum at the team level, or agile at...
After 20 years, Agile has in a sense become pervasive. While it’s neither mandated nor...
It may seem paradoxical that something small leads to something big. Yet this is the...