Yesterday after work, my spousal unit and I started our usual how-was-your-day ritual. He reported on a project he’s just started and a meeting with a colleague from a previous job. I told him about the article I’m editing and a conversation I had with a...
Tim Van Tongeren gives an example of how posting project information publicly can open up communicaiton on the project team This just won’t happen if the plan is sitting in a scheduling tool (MS Project or your favorite flavor) on the project manager’s...
I found this on Joe Ely’s weblog Learning About Lean: Central to any Lean system is Management by Sight. An effective system is very visual. In less than two minutes, any associate must be able to assess if the system is in or out of compliance. He tells a...
Yesterday I was re-reading The Myth of Fungible Resources in Slack by Tom DeMarco. Here’s the definition of fungible that appears in the book (p.13): ….(especially of goods) being of such nature or kind as to be freely exchangeable or...
I some times suggest journaling as a useful tool for people who want to become more effective leaders. I know journals are a useful tool because I have friends and colleagues who have journaled for years and swear by it.But the truth is, I haven’t used a journal...
Do you notice and appreciate the people you work with? I’m guessing you do notice the small kindnesses, problem-solving, and mutual helpful that support camaraderie and collaboration. But when you do notice, do you tell them? I worked with a team this summer who...
A road trip provided an example of the importance of qualifying adjectives. It might not matter much in casual conversation. However, if you’re making decisions, you’d best have an objective comparison point to calibrate meaning. I just returned from my...